Sunday, April 16, 2006

Diagnosing goldfish health through Poo

Your goldfish's bowel habits can often be the first indication of problems. Diagnosed correctly and with remedial action quickly taken, more serious problems in future can be prevented.

Short to medium length poo: Healthy poo is the same colour as the food that the fish have eaten. The poo should be of short to medium length and should not be trailing your fish for long periods.

Long and thick poo: The poo is long and the same colour as the food the fish have eaten but it makes long trails behind the fish. This fish has been fed too much and is somewhat constipated. Feed peas only for 1-3 days.

No poo for sometime: If the fish has not been pooing for a day or more then it is constipated. Fish should be not fed for 2-3 days and then fed only peas for 1-3 days. A partial water change will reduce nitrate levels and that sometimes also helps with constipation.

Long and thin poo: Poo that is the same colour as what the fish has been eating but is thin and long, is usually caused by stress and the fish not eating well. Monitor fish closely, try to ascertain cause of stress if any, and remove it. If the problem is poor water quality, perform a partial water change.

Colourless whitish poo with air bubbles: The poo has air trapped in it and has no colour. This is a sign of constipation, the fish is not digesting its food properly. Fish should be not fed for 2-3 days and then fed only peas for 1-3 days.

Long and clear poo with many air bubbles: The poo has no colour but it is long and looks like it has air bubbles. If the fish is female, this is usually the fish re-absorbing eggs, otherwise it's trapped air and constipation.

Thin and whitish poo: The poo is whitish in colour. This may be a sign of a bacterial infection inside the fish. Monitor closely and if it persists, fish should be given only antibiotic food. In the meantime perform a partial water change. Prevention is better than cure so make sure your goldfish's diet includes spirulina algae.


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