Goldfish varieties to keep in your Biorb II
I am understandably biased, having the goldfish that I do in my Biorb hence I most certainly recommend having veiltails, and telescope eyes / moors.
Veiltail - Photo courtesy of Bristol Aquarists
The only thing that I would warn the prospective goldfish keeper is that the telescope eye / moor is rather less able visually than other fancies which means that if you keep them together you run the risk of your telescope eye/moor starving while your other goldfish get fatter and even constipated from over eating. I'm always having to make sure my telescope eye Arithon gets some food before the fat veiltail Dakar literally hoovers it up.
Telescope eye - Photo courtesy of Bristol Aquarists
Some other goldfish that could be suitable are the fantail, young ryukin, eggfish, possibly pompon and pearlscale. These are only goldfish that I think could be suitable going from their characteristics, never having kept them in a Biorb before. Note however as posted previously Biorbs are a non-ideal environment for goldfish in the long term so vigilance must be exercised to ensure water quality is maintained.

The only thing that I would warn the prospective goldfish keeper is that the telescope eye / moor is rather less able visually than other fancies which means that if you keep them together you run the risk of your telescope eye/moor starving while your other goldfish get fatter and even constipated from over eating. I'm always having to make sure my telescope eye Arithon gets some food before the fat veiltail Dakar literally hoovers it up.

Some other goldfish that could be suitable are the fantail, young ryukin, eggfish, possibly pompon and pearlscale. These are only goldfish that I think could be suitable going from their characteristics, never having kept them in a Biorb before. Note however as posted previously Biorbs are a non-ideal environment for goldfish in the long term so vigilance must be exercised to ensure water quality is maintained.